
in 1L bags

Vermiculite is often used in horticulture in substrate mixtures for plants with special needs of ammonium, potassium, magnesium or calcium. The main feature of this mineral is that it retains water from watering or for external factors and captures fertilisers, making them accessible to the plant when needed. Moreover, vermiculite promotes root respiration, vermiculite has no impurities, does not catch mold and does not pollute the environment, vermiculite is completely non-toxic, non-combustible and does not degrade over time by the action of atmospheric factors.

Dr.Soil's Recipe


fine particle vermiculite

Storage conditions:

Keep in dry and ventilated areas

Keep out of reach of children

Do not keep in direct sunlight

Terms of validity:


How to use:

In the case of indoor or outdoor potted plants or planters: Vermiculite is incorporated into the soil in the pot so that the mixture becomes a light, aerated matter in which the plant’s roots can breathe. Water as needed.

In the case of seeds, seedlings or young plants: prepare a mixture of 2 parts vermiculite and one part substrate for sowing and lay in pots or alveolar trays. Water as needed.

In the case of germs and microplants: 100% vermiculite is used in trays or germinators. Water as needed.