Lapillo Vulcanico

In sacchetto da 1 litro

Volcanic lava is a rock from volcanic erosion. It is very light in density and very porous, behaving like a filter. Volcanic lava helps to conserve water and capture nutrients in the transplant vessel, releasing them whenever the plant needs them. Moreover, it decreases the tendency of moisture evaporation from the pot, the drying being done gradually. It does not decompose and does not disintegrate over time. The color of the material is given by the amount of minerals in the rock fractions and the speed which it oxidizes.

Dr.Soil's Recipe


small volcanic lava pebbles

Storage conditions:

Keep in dry and ventilated areas

Keep out of reach of children

Terms of validity:


How to use:

As for indoor or outdoor potted plants or planters: volcanic lava is incorporated into the potted soil so that the mixture becomes an aerated matter in which the plant’s roots can breathe. Water as needed.

As for cacti and aromatic plants in general: volcanic lava can be incorporated with potted soil in a ratio of 1:1 or can be used as it is, without other elements, depending on the need of the plant.

As for decorative plants, indoor or outdoor: place a layer of 1-2 cm on the surface of the pot. It can also be used in bonsai or aerial plant arrangements.