• the premium mediterranean pine bark humus used in this composition also eases the drainage and prevents the development of molds and other pathologies that may appear because of the excess water that can remain inside the container, absorbed by the dense growing media. This natural element helps keeping the integrity of the roots and prolongues the life of the plant.
• the big amount of biohumus along with other natural ingredients that compose this Carnivorous Plant Substrate gives a nutricious boost to the plant, strenghtening the entire plant, regenerating any damaged vegetal elements and stimulating florishing and the developing of new buds and traps.
2. Then pour a layer of substrate and prepare a hole to place the new plant.
3. Carefully remove the cactus or succulent plant from the old pot and gently clean the old substrate from the roots.
4. Place the plant in the new pot, cover the roots with the substrate and press lightly and evenly around the plant. Then water the plant slowly and moderately.