Substrate for

Seeding and Propagation

in 1L bags

Dr.Soil’s recipe for Seed Propagation states the main needs of seeds and seedlings for a sustainable development:

• optimal gas exchange that stimulates feeding, fertilization and natural immunity: because of the biohumus and the green waste compost, the substrate develops a whole community of microorganisms useful for plants, that secrete plant hormones, antibiotics, fungicidal and bactericidal compounds, that fights against pathogenic microflora. The substrate provides good immunity for the plants, increasing their resistance to stressful situations, mold and bacterial pathologies

• sufficient amount of water accessible to the seed / seedling: the substrate has by a loose, aerated soil texture. The elements that compose the recipe are perfectly mixed in a finely coarsed composition that allowes the roots inside the container to acces water and air and feed better.

• very good drainage and air circulation in the container, due to the fine mediteranean pine bark hummus bits, mixed with the powdered compost and biohumus, all coated with finely grained white peat.

Dr.Soil's Recipe


Premium pine bark humus
Green waste compost
White peat
Organic matter

Better used for:
seeds, seedlings, young plants,
bare root cuttings.

Storage Conditions:

Keep in dry and ventilated areas.

Keep out of reach of children.

Terms of validity:


How to use:

To germinate the seeds, choose an alveolar tray, in the holes of which you pour half of the growing substrate. Sow in each hole, cover with substrate and moisten. Repeat watering for the next few days, making sure the growing substrate has a constant humidity. Place in bright and warm areas.

For the development of seedlings, choose either an alveolar tray with large holes or a nursery of the desired size. Lay a layer of growing substrate and then, with the help of a planter, make some holes to fit the developing roots of the seedling, place the seedling, fix with your hands then cover with substrate, if necessary and water. Repeat watering for the next few days, making sure the growing substrate has a constant humidity. Place in bright and warm areas, or under greenhouse covers.

Water the plants slowly and moderately. After planting: water as usual after 7 days. If necessary, add a layer of substrate. No fertilization is required for a period of 6 months.