Substrate for

Aromatic Plants

in 1L bags

Dr.Soil’s recipe for Aromatic Plants the main needs of the most common aromatic plants that can be usually found in contemporary homes, on the kitchen windowshield or balcony and terrace:

• sufficient water available to the roots and a very good drainage, provided by a loose, aerated soil texture. The elements that compose the recipe are perfectly mixed in a finely coarsed composition that allowes the roots inside the container to acces water and air and feed better.

• natural fertilisation and strong immunity provided by highly concentrated biohumus from California red worms, completed with green waste compost, very rich in salts and nutrients that strenghten the vegetal structure and stimulates a vivid green colour.

• natural defence against pests, bugs and fungi and better resistance against external factors, such as extreme temperatures, fluctuating humidity levels, mechanic interventions etc. .

Dr.Soil's Recipe


Premium pine bark humus
Green waste compost
White peat
Organic mater

Better used for:
Citrus Plants Basil & Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley & Coriander, Dill & Sage, Mint

Storage Conditions:

Keep in dry and ventilated areas.

Keep out of reach of children.

Terms of validity:


How to use:

Choose a suitable pot and make sure that the drainage holes are well cropped. Then pour a layer of substrate and prepare a hole to place the new plant. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot and gently remove any soil present on the roots. Place the plant in the new pot, cover the roots with the substrate and press lightly and evenly around the plant. Water the plant slowly and moderately. After planting: water as usual after 7 days. If necessary, add a layer of substrate. No fertilization is required for a period of 6 months.