Activated Charcoal Chips

in 1L bags

Activated Charcoal is a soil amendment used in agriculture for the improvement of the soil physical properties, such as water and nutrient retention. The material has high adsorption capability, being a good purificator & filtrator and contributing significantly to shortening the drying time of the soil after watering and to aeration. It increases productivity and prevents foliar and soil-borne diseases. Activated Charcoal improves nutrient-depleted soils, prevents soil compaction in pots and facilitates respiration and transfer of gases (CO2) to and from the roots to the atmosphere. Due to the high porosity of the charcoal, it can retain water and gradually release it together with nutrients when the plant needs extra food. If the plants are transplanted into pots without drainage holes, the biochar facilitates the evaporation of excess water, thus protecting the root from rotting. Activated charcoal prevents the development of molds, diseases and parasites that can occur as a result of excessive moisture. In case of soils with unknown origin, the biochar incorporated into the mixture prevents diseases that may arise from it, without harming the plant. In case of plants coming from stressful environments (ruptures, falls, etc.), biochar cauterises microcapillaries and facilitates their regeneration and furthermore, the plant’s plant structure.

Dr.Soil's Recipe


Medium particle bio-char

Storage conditions:

Keep away from fire

Keep in dry and ventilated areas

Keep out of reach of children. Don't keep in direct sunlight

Terms of validity:


How to use:

Add activated charcoal chips to the potting composition to get to the right density for the plant you want to transplant and mix well. Use the mixture to transplant mature plants with an increased nutritive need or plants that come from a stressfull environment (low light, low humidity, independent factors etc.). Water well, Repeat in the next days, following the plant characteristics and needs.